1000 books become a conversation

Ever since this 1000 books project has gone out into the world, I have met and reconnected with the nicest people.
People have been writing in from all across the country to tell me which book they purchased, where they got it, and what number it was!

Here is a small list of people who have recently reached out…

David in England who bought #623 in NYC
Anne who wrote me here on the blog and got #277 in Santa Monica
Candice (my sweet childhood friend) who bought #758 in Miami
Madeline who just wrote she bought #523

David, from York England even sent me this beautiful photograph from the Anthropologie store in Chelsea where he purchased his book!

Thanks to you and everyone else who has been kind enough to write back and tell me what you thought, and how you are using the journals. And if you bought one, please write in and tell me which version you liked and what number you picked up!

take care,


  • tankie mcspankie

    nice cushion! the book’s all right too, i suppose… heh! glad to know a fellow countryman is supporting the ebers. shame there aren’t any anthropologies over here yet. 🙂

  • eb

    hahaha yeah that cushion is gorgeous! I know, no anthropologies in scotland yet.. Well I am sure they will get there sooner or later. they are already in London.

  • tankie mcspankie

    really? they came to london? maybe edinbugger will get one soon then. not that i can afford to go there, mind… 🙂

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