
resolve. that’s a good word isn’t it. it’s a verb. i like verbs. they move and happen and become.
resolve: to come to a definite or earnest decision about; determine (to do something):

I started thinking about resolve because this is normally the time for resolutions. I don’t do this every year but I try to make a list of ideas to explore, habits to create, things I want to be better educated about. I think its all just this constant adding and deleting from the life I am trying to create you know?

I didn’t really make a list this year because my list from last year isn’t anywhere near complete. And to be fair, some things stay on the list every year because I need a reminder, some things will never be crossed off because it will take a lifetime to get it right.

So I thought I’d put it here to remind myself to keep trying. It’s copied just the way it was in my sketchbook, the way i wrote it to myself…Some are easy, some are huge mountains to climb. Some just take practice.

the list:

listen to albums more the way they were meant to be listened to: no.more.shuffle

eat less food generally / better food specifically

use what i have

draw everyday (go back to the drawing a day series)

read read read (read the ones you’ve got before you buy more, lol)

go out on a limb more for love

make making things the focus of my life again

forgive more

just keep giving, you’re good at it

start writing haikus again

try to understand money more, make a conscious effort to learn about it

change my mind about someone

meet people where they are not where i want them to be

make my intentions more closely aligned with my actions

be more transparent

court subtlety and restraint more

* one added for this year: get rid of one thing a day… ooh and one more.. make a book with the definition of resolve.. Have a good weekend folks.


  • tankie mcspankie

    i love all of these, but speaking specifically as someone who loves you, i am very pleased for #s: 2, 4, 6, 7 & 10.

    as for #5 – HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! good luck at the parenthesis part.

    and i’m glad i don’t have an ipod – i can’t shuffle albums. i’m in it for the journey, bebeh! 😉

  • happy new year. : beautiful waste of time

    […] I believe her and every year she is right. Here is what I had to say at the beginning of last year..reflection is good. Published: January 4, 2012 Filed Under: how i am seeing the world, personal, rants Tags: new […]

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