these are the people in the neighborhood.

I usually am not a big fan of taking pictures of people. Usually my old travel partner, cw would take care of that part as I would always be more interested in the plant life or landscapes. We made a good team because by the end of our trip together we would have had everything documented, lol. But this time I had to make sure I had a picture of a few cast of characters that share our little piece of Viettown. First and foremost is the coffee lady who is not pictured here. She keeps everyone laced in caffeine and icy goodness on hot hot Hoi An days. The coffee lady is always on hand for a jolt. And then there is the Banh Bao man who comes round in the afternoons each day with his cart. He is serious. I have never seen him smile and yet from his loud speaker comes the best, horrifying early 90s music. Yesterday it was the theme from Evita from Madonna, the day before Puffy and Faith Evans singing Missing You. I don’t even like Banh Bao, it is one of the few foods I tried that I didn’t like, but every day I wait for him to come by to see what is next on the playlist. Then there is the fruit lady, who I give much business to. On this day I bought her last pineapple..She has those yummy rambutans, oranges, bananas and mangoes left though for later.

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