
It’s been a rough couple of weeks for the world in general hasn’t it? I can’t seem to wrap my head around it all, ever, and most of my time lately has been sitting trying to make sense of it in silence. But what makes me proud to be human in the midst of war and natural disasters and unrelenting weather is people’s unwavering willingness to just reach out to talk to someone, to communicate, to validate their existence and my own in the single act of exchanging words. So contemplating all this made me think it’s time to do some thanking.

Thank you to three new people who have written in to let me know they bought a journal from the 1000 books project..I can’t tell you how amazed I am 1.) that people are buying them, 2.) that they love them, and 3.) that they are writing me to tell me. Each of these things just about makes me over the moon. So anyway, thanks to:

Sharon in Michigan who bought a “weekly” journal #89
Taleen who bought #201
and finally Kathleen who wrote me a lovely note just last night, when i am sure she couldn’t have imagined how much her small note made my day. Kathleen bought #81 ( a quiet things journal) in Westport, Connecticut, by the way.

Thanks again, and if you are out there with a journal, write me, i can’t wait to hear from you.
much love

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