tiny love letters

Dearest February, you and your fickle heart. This love letter is for you despite the fact that you may be the cruelest of all with your monotonous tones, bleak light and your tumultuous temper. What redeems you from being a complete & total wash of a month is the selfish fact that a few of my favorite people made their earthly debut during the time of your reign. And despite the lowness of the sun during their arrival, their presence is still better than all the greyness you can manage to bestow on us in your 28 days. I know you don’t mean it, but you are aggressive and unrelenting. Look, I know it must be hard, what with managing superstitious groundhog appearances, light deprived humans, an entire race of people’s history and quite a few US Presidents birthday parties. It’s a lot and the weather is never on your side. So, I know its only 8 days in, but here is a little peace offering to get us all through: a valentine or four just for you, because you always manage to get the love thing right. You give us a little space to remember to love. So thanks for that. I made these for you. xoxo, e

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